In order to get my MCPD Web Developer certification, I need to take 3 exams. Each exam has a few modules under it. For more details, refer to
Microsoft website.
As I said previously, I'm taking the course from
New Horizons Singapore and I'm going to write about my feedback about this course and the centre that I'm taking the course from.
I've taken the 2543 and 2544 modules, the module duration was 3 and 2 days each. Before taking the course, I thought I won't get any new knowledge but I was very wrong, there was many things that we don't use as a developer but MS Visual Studio 2005 actually offers much more features than I know.
There was many new knowledge that I received from this training that can actually make myself more productive as a programmer.
About the training centre itself, the facilities are not bad. The rooms are spacious so there are enough space for each students. The PCs are good quality in terms of size, speed, etc, it's good enough to support the training process, even though my screen turned pinkish a few times. The room they used for 2544 was better than for 2543, such that the chairs are better.. the first room's chairs were kinda wobbly at first I thought I might fall off the chair, but we all just got used to it after a while.
And there was a funny experience on the first day of module 2544, there was fire drill in the building so we all have to evacuate the place. I ended up walking around Tiong Bahru plaza, but it was quite early in the morning and all the shops were not even open yet!
Overall, this is a good experience so far :)